Expansion of local Real Coconut Kitchens and Markets into national pick up and delivery solutions


We are bringing Real Coconut “Conscious Kitchens” to locations across Mexico and  Southern California, then expanding across N.America and into the rest of the world, gathering a growing Executive Team combined with leading city developers to propel our timely concept around healthy grab n go, fast casual and local delivery  into a global brand leader combining:

  • Virtual Kitchen & Market - delivering to households over 100 essential, chilled, frozen, pantry, baked goods and more, within a 25 miles radius across a city

  • Conscious Restaurant community spaces

  • Full daily menu offerings for delivery and Grab & Go

  • Local catering

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As we considered a scalable model that can impact our world, it became clear that to create sustainability for ourselves and our planet over the coming 20 years we are all required right now to look at consciousness around eating, drinking and our overall dining and kitchen experience. As our population grows, we can either succumb to compromise that may lead to greater suffering or we can commit ourselves to sustainable habits around digestion, gut health, food waste and move us to also support global farmers in their increased organic productivity. This means a shift away from dependency on wheat, corn and red meats. 

We look at food as a pivotal way, if not the primary way to heal our planet and all who inhabit it.